Thursday, February 17, 2011

Book: The Bakery Lady

The book is written entirely in English and Spanish.  The clothing depicted is Hispanic on some of the people and Americanized on others.  The surroundings look American in that they have the feel of being right in America the book is about a Hispanic family running a bakery.

Book: Book Fiesta

This book is about kids reading books.  The entire book is written in both English and Spanish.  The images depict places and things from both Hispanic cultures and U.S. cultures.  The clothing used on the people shown in the book are at times traditional Hispanic clothing and at other times Americanized clothing.

Current Box Office Items

This movie, release date of February 18, is about what life is like culturally for Hispanics in their home country and how it reflects the past in their culture.  It gives an idea of why Hispanics would see the U.S. as good place to move to from Latin America.

Poem: In My Dreams

By: Francisco Alarcón

En Mis Sueños                               In My Dreams

los búfalos rondan                         buffaloes roam
por las praderas                             free once again
libres otra vez                                on the plains

las ballenas                                    whales become
se vuelven cantantes                      opera singers
de ópera del mar                          of the sea

los delfines son                              dolphins are
admirados por todos                     admired by all for
por su ingenio y alegría                  their smarts and joy

en mis sueños                                in my dreams
no hay una palabra                        there is no word
para “guerra”                                 for “war”

todos los humanos                        all humans
y todos los seres                          and all living
Vivientes                                      beings

se juntan como                            come together
una gran familia                           as one big family
de la Tierra                                 of the Earth

This poem is significant because it's about a dream where all humans and all living beings will come together as one big family. Also in this dream there is no word for "war" meaning that we all love eachother. As Christians we know that this is only a dream, but we also know that when Christ comes again this dream will be true.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hard Work

This piece of artwork portrays how much work was and is important to Hispanic Americans. Even though, they did no like all the hard jobs they had to do, they still did it so that they could provide for their families.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Song: Noche de Paz

Noche de Paz
       This song is significant because it is a song Hispanics use to celebrate Christmas. This song is the translation of “Silent Night.” The song show how Hispanics in a way are similar our culture. But yet they have different customs and celebrations that are totally different.

Poem: Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo
     By: Francisco X Alarcón
una batalla                               a battle
en los libros                             in some
de historia                               history books

una fiesta                                 a fiesta
de música                                of music
y colores                                  and colors

una ocasión                             a flag
para agitar                               waving
banderas                                  occasion

un baile                                    a flirting
con piropos                              dance
y piñata                                   and a piñata

orchata                                    orcahta (tasty rice drink)
tostaditas                                 corn chips
y guacamole                            and guacamole

un mango                                a mango
con chile                                  with some chile
y limón                                    and lemon

un grito                                    a cry
de alegría                                 of joy
y primavera                             and spring

¡sí, ya mero                              yes, summer
salimos                                    vacation is just
de vacaciones!                         Around the corner!

This poem is significant because it is talking about the Cinco de Mayo. The Cinco de Mayo is a holiday commemorating Mexico’s victory over the French that occurred on May 5, 1862 in Pueblo, Mexico. This poem is a parallel of history and gives us a sense of their culture.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

En tu luz
            This song is significant because it shows how God can be glorified in another language. In my high school we sang this song often in our Spanish class. The lyrics are translated to the following:
So consumed by your love
that we have lost
the sense of
our surroundings
no longer can dazzle us
nothing in this world
can compare to you, Jesus

No one like you
No one like you
No one like you
No one like you

You are our inheritance
more than sufficient
our Redeemer
and King Jesus
show your paths
and we will walk in your light
at the light of your truth, Jesus

In your light we see the light
In your light we see the light
In your light we see the light

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

La Fiesta

Festivals show their passion for the special events in their lives. The most important of these special occasions is on the date of September 15 when they declared their independence. This day honors the diverse people of Spanish speaking backgrounds in the United States. It portrays how the community values the love of family, a deep and abiding faith, and a strong work ethic.